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DIGGS validator

The DIGGS validator provides three types of validation: 1. Schema validation against XSD files 2. Dictionary validation against standard property definitions 3. Schematron validation against business rules

For all validation types, you can control the error output:

# By default, validation errors will be written to log files
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path", output_log=True)

# To print validation errors directly instead of writing to log files
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path", output_log=False)

1. Schema Validation

Using Python

from pydiggs import validator

# Using default DIGGS Schema (version 2.6)
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path")

# Using a specific DIGGS Schema version
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path", schema_path="DIGGS_Schema_File_Path")

# Access schema validation results
print(validation.syntax_error_log)      # Contains any XML syntax errors
print(validation.schema_validation_log) # Contains schema validation errors
print(validation.schema_error_log)      # Contains schema parse errors

Using Command Line Interface

# Using default schema
pydiggs schema_check "DIGGS_Instance_File_Path"

# Using specific schema
pydiggs schema_check "DIGGS_Instance_File_Path" --schema_path "DIGGS_Schema_File_Path"

2. Dictionary Validation

Using Python

from pydiggs import validator

# Using default DIGGS Dictionary
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path")

# Using a specific dictionary file
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path", dictionary_path="DIGGS_Dictionary_File_Path")

# Access dictionary validation results
print(validation.dictionary_validation_log) # Contains dictionary validation errors

Using Command Line Interface

# Using default dictionary
pydiggs dictionary_check "DIGGS_Instance_File_Path"

# Using specific dictionary
pydiggs dictionary_check "DIGGS_Instance_File_Path" --dictionary_path "DIGGS_Dictionary_File_Path"

3. Schematron Validation

Using Python

from pydiggs import validator

# Schematron validation requires a schematron schema file
validation = validator("DIGGS_Instance_File_Path", schematron_path="DIGGS_Schematron_File_Path")

# Access schematron validation results
print(validation.schematron_validation_log) # Contains schematron validation errors
print(validation.schematron_error_log)      # Contains schematron parse errors

Using Command Line Interface

pydiggs schematron_check "DIGGS_Instance_File_Path" --schematron_path "DIGGS_Schematron_File_Path"